Saturday, 19 August 2017

Are you Suffering from Hair fall?

Hair fall is a common problem and affects people of any age. Hair fall can damage an individual hair scalp. Hair fall is a condition in which an individual suffer with excessive hair loss from the scalp. Hereditary hair fall with age is the common cause of hair fall. People use different hairstyles, makeup, hats or wig, scarves to hide their hair loss. The condition occurs due to hair fall is also known as baldness.
 The causes of hair fall are

·         Hormonal changes

·         Certain medical conditions

·         Medications

·         Family history (heredity)

·         Any type of mental or physical shock

·         Certain treatment or hairstyles

·         Radiation therapy

Hair fall is short term problem but makes long term, if not getting a proper treatment at right time. Hair fall is also occurring if a person suffers with high blood pressure, taking birth control pills, depression, or heart problems. The symptoms of hair fall include

·         Circular or patchy bald spots

·         Excessive hair fall

·         Patches of scaling

·         Gradual thinning on the head top

·         Certain skin problems

·         Infection in scalp

·         Hormonal changes


Effective hair loss treatment techniques are available which can reduce the hair fall, improve hair growth and hide bald spots developed due to lost hair. Treatment for hair fall includes medications, laser therapy, surgery, and use of hair pieces or wigs. Surgery is the most common type of hair fall treatment. However, the laser treatment is vastly used for promoting and improving hair growth. Hair restoration or transplant surgery also helps in re-growing of the hairs or saving remaining hairs. Though, it is a slightly painful and an expensive treatment method. There are certain risk factors associated with the treatment such as poor nutrition, stress, age, family history, and certain medical conditions like pregnancy, diabetes.

Sareen hair clinic in Delhi, India is one of the best places to treat hair fall. Sareen hair clinic is committed to provide best possible treatments for the hair fall. The clinic has excellent treatment facilities for hair fall. The treatment provides full satisfaction and relief to the patient.
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Monday, 31 July 2017

Best laser acne surgery in India

Skin treatments are recommended for the problems such as acne, pimples. Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease that causes pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, nodules and cysts. It affects 4 in every 5 people aged 10 to 35 years. It generally occurs during the puberty phase, when the sebaceous glands activate at high level. Otherwise it can occur at any age. Acne is not dangerous but makes skin scars. The skin has pores that are connected to the oil glands under the skin. The pores are connected with the glands through follicles. Follicles are tiny sacs and produce and secrete liquid. The glands produce an oily liquid known as sebum. Sebum carries dead skin cells by the follicles to the skin surface. These follicles get blocked and builds oil under the skin. This will eventually form pimples. Pimples have a tendency to appear on the face, chest, back, neck and shoulder. Sebum with skin cells and hair can develop a plug. Bacteria infected this plug and swelled the part. The severity and frequency of acne are totally depends on the strain of bacteria.

The causes of skin damaging are

  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Menstruation
  • Greasy cosmetics
  • Certain medication
Treatment of acne includes laser acne surgery, medication and creams. Different types of steroidal and non-steroidal creams and gels are available in the market to treat skin problems, but it is good to consult with a skin specialist before using any kind of treatment. Laser acne surgery provides maximum results without having any pain and side effects. Risk factors for laser skin treatments include anxiety, stress, genetics, the menstrual cycle, humid and hot climate, and oil based makeup.
Sareenhair clinic in Delhi, India provides best laser acne surgery treatment facilities in India. The efficient and experienced team of the clinic provides best and perfect laser based skin treatment.

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Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Hair Transplant: Don't Delay It's your Turn

An androgenic alopecia is known as a most common type of hair loss in men and women. Common baldness is male pattern hair loss. People generally have a history of baldness in the family. Men who losing their hairs at early age has a tendency to develop more extensive baldness. Women may develop female pattern baldness. The hair can become thin over the entire scalp in this kind of hair loss.

 A number of things can cause excessive hair loss. They are
  • Stress
  • Illness
  • Major surgery
  • Hormonal problems
  • Post-partum depression in women
  • Medication
  • Infections
  • An underlying disease
In recent time, hair transplant is very common and people are highly interested to transplant their hairs for their better growth.  It is a method to fill the area, which have thin or not hair with the help of already available hairs. The hair transplant can be done by using two methods
The doctor removes 6-10 inch strip skin from the back of head, sets it aside and sews the scalp to close the area in follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) method. This removed strip of skin is used for hair transplant by making 500-2000 tiny grafts that are used of transplant. The doctor will shave to back of scalp, removes hair follicles one by one and prepares grafts for hair transplant in the follicular unit extraction method (FUE). The surgery will take around 3-7 hours.

 Sareen hair clinic in Delhi, India provides high quality hair transplant treatment facilities. The clinic has a team of experienced and qualified doctors for performing the best hair transplant in Delhi.

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Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Solving Hair Woes with the Best Hair Fall Treatment in Delhi

Despite the enormous number of hair care products available in the market, the concern of hair fall continues to be relentless. With our lifestyle choices and climate changes adding fuel to graveness of the situation, hair fall issues have achieved a worrisome proportion.

Powered by comprehensive treatment options, Sareen Hair Clinic is acknowledged for the best hair fall treatment in Delhi. The treatment methodologies used here are known to cater to the needs of patients facing varying degrees of hair issues.

The treatment covers various patterns of therapies and techniques, depending on the needs of the patients. Hair regrowth therapies, surgical hair transplant and non-surgical replacement techniques are some of the packages used to exclusively address your hair woes.

Hair Regrowth Therapies

It is normal to lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair daily. However, hair fall problem arises when they do regrow and the follicles gets covered with scar tissues. Hair regrowth therapies facilitates the regrowth of hair in these follicles. The various therapies are: -
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Stem cell therapy
  • Meso therapy
  • Laser therapy
Surgical Hair Transplant techniques

Surgical Hair Transplant techniques are used in cases where the hair loss is so intense that balding is imminent. They are also done in cases where hair regrowth therapies fail to bring about the desired results. They are not only done on scalp but also on body, beard, eyebrows and so on. The various techniques adopted here are: -
Non-surgical Hair Replacement Techniques
The non-surgical hair transplant procedures are temporary techniques to cover up thinning hair. They include a set of techniques to increase the visible volume of hair. The various non-surgical procedures for volumizing hair are as below.
Sareen Hair Clinic (SHC), offers the best hair fall treatment in Delhi, updated to the latest standards and techniques like robotic hair transplant.

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Friday, 7 April 2017

Battling Hair Fall With The Latest Hair Fall Treatment Techniques

Hair fall is a major cause of concern these days. The summer heat is pushing the issue beyond bounds as well. Having about 80% of the total population in grapples with the issue, its high time an ideal solution for hair fall is found. With the best hair fall treatment in Delhi, Sareen Hair Clinic has come up with a comprehensive package solution to battle hair fall.
Hair fall not only affects your looks, it effects your self-confidence as well. When you are called uncle or aunty by folks not so younger than you, you lose it! Your self-confidence hits an all-time low. But not anymore. With the latest techniques and methods, hair fall treatment at Delhi offers you customised solution to suit your needs.

A hair fall ranging from 50 to 100 strands a day is considered quite normal. A fall beyond that can be a result of disorders like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, deficiencies and so on. Hair fall can be cured by hair regrowth techniques or through hair transplant.
Hair Regrowth Techniques
Hair regrowth techniques involves a set of therapies that are done to the scalp to facilitate natural hair regrowth. The different hair regrowth therapies offered at SHC, Delhi include: -
  • PRP Therapy – also known as Stem cell therapy, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy involves injecting platelet rich plasma extracted from the patient’s blood, into his scalp.
  • Oxygen Therapy – a technique to detoxify scalp and hair, oxygen therapy revitalizes the sebaceous gland that produce natural oil in the scalp hence promoting hair growth.
  • Meso therapy – used in extreme cases of baldness, it is done in about 8 sessions of injecting concentrated nutrient fluids to the scalp at the parts of hair loss.
  • Laser Hair Therapy – this therapy utilises laser light for stimulating the regrowth of natural hair.

Hair Transplant Methods
Hair transplant methods are selected based on the intensity of the issue and choice of the patient. They include non-surgical transplant technique like hair bonding, hair weaving, hair extensions and so on. Surgical hair transplant techniques are also available. One of the best in the world, Robotic Hair Transplant is the latest addition to this array.
Sareen Hair Clinic (SHC), offers the best hair fall treatment in Delhi with techniques that are latest in the industry.

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Monday, 6 February 2017

Explore New Ideas For Hair & Skin issues

Having glory hair is a huge plus point for both the genders. In the modern world, there are many hair styles offered on the basis of one’s look. Every hair style abides with its own beauty. Simultaneously today’s younger generation is mostly affected by hair fall, bald issues which reduce their social esteem mentally. Next to hair, skin problem is meticulously considered by most of the people. Acne prone skin, oily, dimpled unevenly toned skin, sagging skin, wrinkles, eye bag are mind boggling troubles. In such crucial situations, Sareen Hair & Skin Clinic pads you with the best remedy.

Sareen Hair Clinic is a well-renowned hair care clinic situated in New Delhi. The cosmetologists, doctors and the entire crew provide all kinds of hair & skin treatments as per the need of patients with advanced technologies in International standards. It is remarkably safe and effective.  
Now we proposed to conduct an International Seminar exclusively for Hair & Skin in association with Remy Hair International at Dubai. The main goal of the seminar is dispersing the complete awareness about hair & skin to all groups of people. Stay tuned with us to know the instant updates about upcoming Dubai event.  Don’t miss the opportunity to be an attendee in the seminar that is coming soon in Dubai……….... 

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