Monday, 26 September 2016

Seminar on Hair Talk 2016 in New Delhi

Does continuous hair loss troubles you? Proper care must be given to get strong and healthy hair. Some of the common problems affecting hair and scalp are hair loss, infections, and disorders causing itching and scaling. Due to these hair problems, it becomes difficult to style up your hair. Sareen hair clinic helps you to get stylish through their various hair treatments.

Sareen Hair Clinic celebrating their 40 years of service is going to conduct a seminar on ‘Hair Talk’ for those who are very much anxious about their hair. The seminar will be very informative. So don’t miss your chance.

The seminar session mainly includes the areas of treatments like:
  • Hair Transplant
  • Non-Surgical Hair Replacement
  • Aesthetics
  • Hair Regrowth
The seminar will be conducted on 13th November 2016 at Ficci. Attendees will get up to 40% discount on all hair and skin treatments. Don’t miss this golden opportunity. Prior booking is compulsory. Entry fees only 100 rupees.
Be a part of our seminar and get a problem free hair. Hurry up!!!
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