Friday, 2 January 2015

Advantages of Direct Hair Transplantation

Direct hair transplant is one of the most advanced hair restoration method available today. Direct hair transplant is implemented by using direct hair implants, this is a quick and pain free procedure. This technique is considered to be the latest hair replacement after FUE. This procedure is also known as “no root touch technique” because it does not demand removing any portion of scalp.

In this procedure, the hair follicles will be extracted individually from the donor area, then it will implanted directly to the receiver area. According to various conditions your surgeon will place hair follicles immediately after extraction, in some other cases placement may be delayed after extraction.

Direct hair implant can give you more benefits than any other hair restoration methods, it can assure you 100% natural looking results. Some benefits of direct hair transplant is listed.
  • There is no need to make any holes in the scalp or hair follicles area.
  • Medication after the treatment is comparitively very less
  • Less anesthesia
  • No need of microscope
  • Hair follicles are not exposed to intense light and heat
  • Risk of infection or any other complication is very less.
  • Graft survival is high
  • Reduced bleeding
  • Less marks
  • Less tiring

Sareen hair clinic offers the services of hair transplant in Canada, USA and India. To know more about various hair replacement and hair loss treatments visit our website.