Saturday, 5 December 2015

Best Hair Transplant in Delhi

Hair Transplant is the surgical procedure in which the individual hair follicles are get transferred from a part of the body to the balding part.Hair Transplant is mainly used for treating male baldness.In this procedure, the grafts containing the hair follicles are transplanted into bald scalp. Hair Transplantation may be used to restore the eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair etc.Hair Transplantation may differs from Skin Grafting in such a way that, grafts may contain almost all the epidermis and dermis which are surrounding the hair follicle.

Hair Transplant Procedure:

In the Hair Transplant Procedure, the surgeon may clean the scalp and provides anaesthesia to numb the area in which the 3-4 inch of scalp will be removed.After removing the scalp with a scalpel,the surgeon may set it aside and make the scalp closed.The area of the scalp may be hidden by the hair around it.

After that , the surgeon may divides the part of removed scalp into approximately 400 to 2,000 tiny grafts which may contains, an individual hair or just a few hair.The number and type of graft used may depends upon the hair type, quality, cost, and colour as well as the size of the area where it will be transplanted.

When the grafts are prepared, the surgeons may clean and numbs the area where the hair will be placed and creates a holes or slits with a scalpel or needle and places each grafts in the holes.

Depending on the procedure, the hair transplant may takes approximately, 4-8 hours.The additional sessions may be needed if the procedure needed to continue.

Sareen Hair Clinic, is one of the best Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi, India with better care and affordable prices.

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Monday, 26 October 2015

Best Hair Clinic in India

You can get the permanent solution for baldness and regain your confidence. Sareen Hair Clinic is the Best Hair Clinic in India offering the best procedures for hair restoration. Here the patients approach to the last stage of balding. Medical experts at Sareen Hair Clinic is looking for patients' satisfaction with most advanced hair transplant techniques.

 If you are the person suffering from hair loss problems, you want to get away from baldness? Sareen Hair Clinic offers best surgical and non surgical hair replacement center in India. People who suffer baldness problems have no worryy about the conditions. The best techniques provide with safe and effective manner and approach each patient for their needed treatments. They are the leading hair transplant center in India provides latest hair transplant methods for restoring hair.

Hair Transplant Techniques

We offer the best methods such as a robotic hair transplant, Hollywood hair transplant and non surgical hair replacement methods at best affordable cost in India. Hair transplant is the best method done at Sareen Hair Clinic with expert surgeons and affordable hair loss treatments in India. You can get an appointment through Skype consultation.

Visit Here


Thursday, 23 July 2015

Best Hair Transplant in India

Sareen Hair Clinic gives you instant results for the hair transplant procedure. Robotic Hair Transplant is the greatest achievement in the hair transplant. sareen hair clinic has introduced a new and safest automated hair transplant system in which robot is doing the harvesting and implantation.

Latest Hair Transplant Method

Robotic Hair Transplantation is done using the neograft machine. This is the advanced hair transplant system used in hair restoration procedure to achieve perfection and higher efficiency to get best results. We offers the best services for the patients and make them satisfied with the complete procedure.

Benefits Of Robotic Hair Transplant

  •  Robotic Hair Transplant @ 2 dollars per graft
  •  Get 2000 Grats in Just 2 hours
  •  Safest automated hair transplant
  •  Offers for first 100 bookings
  •  Speed and efficiency

If you are dream of getting good looking hair with in a quick recovery time with painless procedure. Get started by requesting an free information about the most advanced robotic hair transplantation. Visit Sareen Hair Clinic to know about the safe hair transplant techniques and offer details

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Thursday, 11 June 2015

Know Everything About Hair Transplant

Hair transplant is a highly trending surgical method to cure baldness or thinning of hair due to its statistically proven high satisfactory results . The Surgical Hair Transplant procedure involves removal of hair from the donor site and replacing them on the recipient site. Baldness in males is usually caused by genetic factors while it is caused by hormonal changes in women. The transplant is well suited for both males and females despite the diverged causes. The time and money consumed by the surgery depends upon the degree of balding one is suffering from. It also depends upon the current stage of balding and thinning, the requirement of follicular units and the desired density of hair.

Hair Transplant Benefits

Hair loss often disables the person to style their hair, leads to loss of personal attractiveness and makes one’s face look older which further deteriorates the person’s self esteem and causes them to be more introverted and shy. The self-consciousness and negative thoughts about oneself is what prompts the person to opt for hair transplant. 

Hair transplant is a safe procedure with very few risks and side effects involved. An average of 50,000 men go for hair transplants each year since it’s been proven to be the most effective remedy to treat hair loss. In fact, many famous celebrities like David Beckham, Jude law, Salman Khan and Govinda chose hair transplants to deal with hair loss.
After 2-6 months of undergoing the hair transplant, the transplanted hair usually shed away while after 3-8 weeks of transplant the new and permanent hair begin to sprout. It requires 10-12 months worth patience to see the complete results of the transplant as the hair continue to grow longer and denser till then. Once these transplanted hair begin to grow, they continue to grow for a lifetime without any obstacles. Here you can see our patients getting best results after the transplantation.

The surgery at our clinic is performed by skilled and experienced medical professionals who guarantee to serve you with the desirable results. Our medical team promises you the perfect outcome and assures to devise the appropriate mechanism and best strategy to deal with your hair loss as well as undertakes the responsibility to make your transplanted hair look no different than your existing hair.

Making an appointment through our Website

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Hair Transplant in Delhi

Welcome to Sareen Hair Clinic

So you need a Hair Transplant specialist, not just a surgeon who performs hair transplant. Dr.Sakshi Sareen is well qualified and skilled doctor and she is considered as one of the best hair transplant surgeons in the world. She specializes to providing natural results and helps to regain a soft hairline with natural look.

hair loss solution

What is Hair Transplant consultation ? Its the main thing when the hair transplant surgeon who look at your scalp and analysis to tell you if you are a candidate to undergo hair transplant. Through the hair transplant consultation, your fear and anxieties can be completely solved. You can face so much situations in your life. We at Sareen Hair Clinic are ready to help you. You have many doubts about the condition acatually go for hair transplant surgery or not.

Our specialist doctor gives you a complete solution for baldness treatment in Delhi. You can directly send photos that show your hair in it's current state about your condition. Getting a hair transplantation at the best price in one and only procedure. Deciding to have a hair transplantation is a major life decision.

We restore not just your hair but also your confidence.. Maybe it’s time to get a procedure. Click Here, if you’re interested in hair transplant.


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Hair Transplant in Delhi

Hair Transplant is the best option for the hair loss problems. Most of the people are now facing hair loss and become more complicated by baldness problem. Why hair loss become more problem today.  It is a fact that men or more likely to lose their hair than woman due to male pattern baldness.

If we come to the solution for hair loss, Hair Transplant is the most advanced and painless procedure. Mainly surgical and non surgical hair transplant are preferred most of the hair loss suffering peoples. 

hair baldness

Hair Transplant in Delhi: Solution For Hair Baldness

We at Sareen Hair Clinic providing advanced hair transplant methods

Surgical Hair Transplant
FUE Hair Transplant
Direct Hair Transplant
Non Surgical Hair Transplant
Instant Hair Transplant
Robotic Hair Transplant

We choose you the best and effective hair loss solution visit our Website to know more 


Saturday, 18 April 2015

Robotic Hair Transplant in Delhi

Hair Transplantation is a great technique to restore your hair. Here is a greatest achievement in the field of hair transplant. A new innovative technique Robotic Hair Transplant is a perfect option getting top results. It is the most easiest way to perform the hair transplant procedures.

Robotic Hair Transplant Technology

Robotic Hair Transplant

Robotic hair transplant is an advanced image guided robotic system which helps to done the follicular unit extraction. In this hair transplant procedure remove the graft from the back of the head. By this procedure surgeon can easily analysis and transplant with less time. Robotic system is guided by the doctor which can able to reproduce high density and harvesting ability.

Benefits Of Robotic Hair Transplant
  •  Time consuming
  •  Less invasive approach
  •  Speed and efficiency
  •  Decreases donor scarring
  •  No stitches or staples used

We at Sareen Hair Clinic launches advanced robotic hair transplantation which helps both the patients at doctor to achieve best results. Its really a painless technique and comfortable while doing the procedures. As the healing time is short patients can go back to daily activities with in one or two days. Follow up visit arranged for each individuals and proper care for the implanted hair.

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Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Hair Transplant in Delhi

Hair Transplant is the most advanced hair restoration techniques available. Why we are choosing a hair transplant? Most of the people are facing the baldness problem. In order to restore hair people were tried several methods, but these are not effective for the baldness solution. Nowadays hair transplant procedure is the latest technique used to restore your hair.

Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation gives you the top results for your hair restoration. Before going for the procedure they analyse the patient for which technique is apt for the condition. It is the procedure to transplant the hair follicles from donor to recipient areas. A hair transplant specialist at sareen hair clinic offers best hair transplant methods assure you 100 % natural results.

Hair transplant

Hair Transplant Methods

  1. Direct Hair Transplant
  2. FUE Hair Transplant
  3. Instant hair transplant


  • Instant hair transplant
  • Zero side effects
  • Best results at affordable cost

We give you safe, painless and affordable transplant procedures for the baldness problems. By these techniques we can force people in the society without any problems and increase our self confidence too. You can get instant results of these hair transplantation techniques with natural appearing hair line and lifelong permanent hires.

To know about the hair transplant procedures, visit our website

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Friday, 13 February 2015

Non Surgical Hair Replacement Techniques

Non surgical hair replacement is a convenient choice for the people who are in the latent stage of hair loss. Sareen hair clinic offers customized non surgical procedures to satisfy the requirements of patient. We have a team of experts who deals with non surgical hair replacement and they will help you to achieve more elegant and natural looking hair styles. Know more about hair replacement techniques available at our clinic.

Hair Weaving

Hair weaving also named as hair integration, this is done by using natural remy hair applies to the the scalp to cover baldness and to provide more thickness to hair. The extra hair is added by choosing hair folliclecles that suits the existing, different techniques such as hair bonding, tree braiding, fusion, tracking, tree braiding are used to complete the procedure. Among these techniques Lace extension is known to be the latest.

Hair Extension

This is a safest procedure used to increase the volume and length of hair by incorporating artificial hair. It will act as a protective layer to natural hair, an individual can experiment new hair styles with this technique.

Hair Microwefting

The procedure is painless and quick, its a kind of hair bonding. Additional follow up care doesnt needed in this procedure. The hair follicles are attached with the help of invisible clips. The procedure is risk free and have no side effects.

Hair Bonding

Hair bonding can be termed as a temporary hair weaving method. With this procedure an individual can add colour to hair along with adding volume.

To know more details about non surgical hair replacement techniques visit our website

Non Surgical Hair Replacement Techniques

Non surgical hair replacement is a convenient choice for the people who are in the latent stage of hair loss. Sareen hair clinic offers customized non surgical procedures to satisfy the requirements of patient. We have a team of experts who deals with non surgical hair replacement and they will help you to achieve more elegant and natural looking hair styles. Know more about hair replacement techniques available at our clinic.

Hair Weaving

Hair weaving also named as hair integration, this is done by using natural remy hair applies to the the scalp to cover baldness and to provide more thickness to hair. The extra hair is added by choosing hair folliclecles that suits the existing, different techniques such as hair bonding, tree braiding, fusion, tracking, tree braiding are used to complete the procedure. Among these techniques Lace extension is known to be the latest.

Hair Extension

This is a safest procedure used to increase the volume and length of hair by incorporating artificial hair. It will act as a protective layer to natural hair, an individual can experiment new hair styles with this technique.

Hair Microwefting

The procedure is painless and quick, its a kind of hair bonding. Additional follow up care doesnt needed in this procedure. The hair follicles are attached with the help of invisible clips. The procedure is risk free and have no side effects.

Hair Bonding

Hair bonding can be termed as a temporary hair weaving method. With this procedure an individual can add colour to hair along with adding volume.

To know more details about non surgical hair replacement techniques visit our website
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Friday, 2 January 2015

Advantages of Direct Hair Transplantation

Direct hair transplant is one of the most advanced hair restoration method available today. Direct hair transplant is implemented by using direct hair implants, this is a quick and pain free procedure. This technique is considered to be the latest hair replacement after FUE. This procedure is also known as “no root touch technique” because it does not demand removing any portion of scalp.

In this procedure, the hair follicles will be extracted individually from the donor area, then it will implanted directly to the receiver area. According to various conditions your surgeon will place hair follicles immediately after extraction, in some other cases placement may be delayed after extraction.

Direct hair implant can give you more benefits than any other hair restoration methods, it can assure you 100% natural looking results. Some benefits of direct hair transplant is listed.
  • There is no need to make any holes in the scalp or hair follicles area.
  • Medication after the treatment is comparitively very less
  • Less anesthesia
  • No need of microscope
  • Hair follicles are not exposed to intense light and heat
  • Risk of infection or any other complication is very less.
  • Graft survival is high
  • Reduced bleeding
  • Less marks
  • Less tiring

Sareen hair clinic offers the services of hair transplant in Canada, USA and India. To know more about various hair replacement and hair loss treatments visit our website.