Thursday, 4 December 2014

What is Fue Hair Transplant Method

Follicular unit extraction or FUE Hair transplant is one of the advanced and minimally invasive hair replacement procedure. In this technique hair follicles or grafts will picked up individually from the donor area, then transplanted to the thinning area or recipient region, hair transplant doctor uses a precision tool to make this transplantation. This method will not leave any kind of scars or stitches in the donor area so that the donor area will become to the normal condition within few days.

FUE Hair Transplantation at Sareen Hair Clinic
Hair transplant specialists at sareen hair clinic have dedicated their practice exclusively to hair restoration. They are highly skilled end experienced in doing Fue hair transplantation

Benefits of Fue
  • No stitches and scarring: donor area will get back to normal appearance in few days
  • Permanent and natural looking results
  • Less Recovery time : Peoples can get back to their regular activities within two days
  • Simple out patient procedure
  • Painless procedures
  • No need of conventional implanters
  • Uses automated FUE extraction machine
  • Good density of hair

You can see the successful results after a few months, within this period hair follicles will start to grow in the grafted region.

Sareen hair clinic provides the services of hair transplant in Canada, USA and India. Visit our website to know more about us
If you have any queries regarding hair treatments, send it to

Monday, 24 November 2014

What Causes Hair Loss?

Everyone loses hair. Normally it can be found during your morning shower and when you are blowing your hair to get it dry. From the view of hair specialists it is normal to lose a fifty to hundred hairs a day and with the time changes this will get replaced by another hair follicles.
If an individual losing more than hundred hairs in a day that can be considered as a condition of hair loss.
There are various kind of hair loss treatments. Before you treat this condition you must know the reasons behind the hair loss. There are many factors that affecting your hair growth. Here we have listed some causes of hair loss and its solution

Physical Stress: In case of women a noticeable hair loss can be seen after pregnancy. Also any kind of physical trauma, surgery, severe illness can lead to temporary hair loss, this condition is commonly called as telogen effluvium

Hair has a certain kind of cycle a growth phase, a rest phase, a shedding phase, if you are in a mental or physical stress it will affect this cycle and this pushes more hair in shedding phase. So try to recover from all your mental stress then automatically the hair will regrow.

Excess Intake of Vitamin A: Excess intake of medications containing vitamin A can trigger hair loss. For the normal growth of hair, overdoing of vitamin A should be halted.

Lack of Protein: Protein is a necessary factor to stimulate hair growth. The lack of protein may lead to hair loss. So include protein rich food items in your diet like fish meat, eggs and protein rich vegetarian products like green peas, quinoa, beans, chick peas etc.

Male Pattern Baldness: This is arising due to a combo of genes and male sex hormones. Usually it occurs at the age of 60. There are some creams like minoxidil and medications like finasteride etc can help to halt hair loss. Hair transplant is also an option

Heredity Conditions: hair loss can occur due to heredity conditions. androgenetic alopecia is a female version of male pattern baldness and this causes hair thinning in women. Women also get benefits from minoxidil creams to prevent hair loss.

Weight Loss: A major weight loss is a type of physical trauma and this causes hair thinning problems. And it will get corrected after six moths

Over Styling: Vigorous hair styling and hair treatments like hair weaving, tight braid and hair straightening chemicals etc. will increase the chances of your hair to fall out. Avoid these kind of styles and treatments. Use conditioners after shampoo, letting your hair air dry etc. Will protect your hair.

There are many other factors that affects the natural growth of hair. If you want to know more about hair loss and its treatments visit our website at
If you have any queries related to this topic please mail it to 

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

FUE Hair Transplant - Get Back Your Full Thick Hair

FUE is one of the most advanced hair transplant technique in the world, also known as follicular transfer. In this procedure individual follicular units are extracted directly from the patient's donor area.

This is a cost effective treatment, because of getting patient oriented results every patients can take this treatment in an economical way. When compared to other technique the FUE method is less time consuming procedure. It will take only 2 or 3 weeks for recovery because of its surgical methodolgy.
The process involves a micro-punching tool and needle device to extract the individual follicular units. After this, the graft is extracted from the scalp area and prepare them for implantation. To get an optimal visualization, the doctor may shaves the donor area.

You can see the results after a few months. Within these period, hair will initiate to grow in the grafted areas. These hairs look like natural and will stay permanent.

  • The procedure do not require any cuts or stitches.
  • Its a pain free procedure
  • No scars will remain after surgery
  • Do not need conventional implanters
  • 100% yield of hair grafts
  • Uses automated FUE extraction machine
  • You can get hairs with good density
  • Select only best quality grafts
  • Need not to take rest
  • No scarring of Donor area
  • 100% graft survival.
To know more about the procedure and it costs you can send your queries to our mail id
Visit our website here